Australian Institute of Business Case Study

Key Results with Insightech:

✔️ In less than two weeks found conversion opportunities that will deliver up to $600k in incremental revenue

✔️ Quickly identified and replicated website errors for their development team to fix

✔️ Achieved 100% visibility across all user experiences and issues, including a way to monitor historical and real-time data trends

✔️ Reduced time to debug website errors from hours down to minutes

an image showcasing the australian institute of business as a customer of insightech

What is the Australian Institute of Business?

Australian Institute of Business (AIB) is a registered higher education provider with a focus on MBA courses. They have over 30 years of history and are one of the most established private education institutions in Australia, but are also future-focused and dedicated to continuous improvement.

screenshot of the Australian Institute of Business's website

Main challenges to solve

AIB found it difficult to understand abandonment across their funnel as the data provided by Google Analytics and other platforms was inconclusive.

AIB felt there were opportunities to convert more website visitors into prospects but they didn’t have enough visibility on the issues to be able to answer what needed to be fixed to improve conversion rates.

AIB was also undergoing a website review and optimisation project, so they wanted rich and accurate behavioural data on their users, and a quick way to confirm their hypotheses to increase conversions.

Solving these challenges with Insightech

Using Insightech, AIB was able to effortlessly pinpoint the weak points in their funnel and had instant visibility on each reason contributing to their funnel abandonment.

In a single session using Insightech’s out-of-the-box reports, AIB identified the top issues contributing to 22% of their online application form abandonment.

Insightech’s Full Code Recreation provided AIB with an instant way to recreate every abandoning user experience along with the code that needed to be fixed, and real numbers behind which issues needed to be prioritised. Shareable links to each insight and issue that AIB found, allowed the rest of their team to follow up easily on actions.

Key results using Insightech

• In less than two weeks found conversion opportunities that will deliver up to $600k in incremental revenue
• Instantly replicated website errors, including the code causing them, for their team to fix
• 100% visibility on all user experiences and issues, including a way to monitor historical and real-time data trend
• Reduced time to debug website errors from hours down to minutes

What makes your experience with Insightech unique

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Trusted by these leading brands
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AIB discovers $600k in revenue opportunities with Insightech

✔️ 100% visibility on all user experiences and issues

✔️ Reduces time to debug website errors from hours down to minutes

📖 Read Case Study
an image showcasing the australian institute of business as a customer of insightech


Use advanced segmentation to slice and dice any report to quickly compare user behaviours across multiple date ranges. Fully unlock your analytics capability with modular segmentation that stacks quickly to answer any combination of questions.

Insights Notes

The longer friction points go unresolved the more they directly impact conversion rates and revenue. Save notes for colleagues and visually communicate exact points in time from session replays. Work collaboratively to get your team up to speed faster.

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