
soc-2 compliance logo

1. Product security


We enable permission levels within the applications to be set for your teammates. Permissions can be set to include application settings and user management.


SAML Single Sign-on (SSO) allows you to authenticate with users in your own systems without requiring them to enter additional login credentials. Users can sign on using Google or Microsoft SSO. If you’re using password-based authentication 2-factor authentication (2FA) is enforced for all users.

Password and Credential Storage

We enforce a password complexity standard and credentials are stored with encryption.


We have an uptime of 99.9% or higher. You can check our past month's stats at

2. Network and application security

Regional Data Hosting and Storage

Insightech services and data are hosted in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) facilities in the USA, Sydney, Australia and other locations based on customer contract specifications.

3. Additional security features


All employees complete Security and Awareness training annually.


Insightech has developed a comprehensive set of security policies covering a range of topics. These policies are updated frequently and shared with all employees.

Employee Vetting

Insightech performs background checks on all new employees in accordance with local laws. The background check includes employment verification and criminal checks.


All employee contracts include a confidentiality agreement.

Security Questions?

If you think you may have found a security vulnerability, please get in touch with our security team at

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